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HomeUncategorizedRotisserie chicken rub - some tricks on how to grill one

Rotisserie chicken rub – some tricks on how to grill one

When you want to cook a dish, the first thing you should know is the recipe. If you know a recipe and a few simple tricks on how to proceed, the chance that you will prepare a delicious grilled chicken is only one in a hundred. For a delicious home-cooked chicken, you’ll need a grill, a chicken, some butter or olive oil, and amla some spices.

Rotisserie chicken rub

First, let’s look at a recipe that is commonly used by many people. The ingredients are: four pounds of roast chicken, one teaspoon each of salt, black pepper, chili powder, garlic powder, onion powder, dried thyme and sugar, two teaspoons of paprika and some olive oil or butter.

The preparation time is then about seventy to eighty minutes. If the chicken is rubbed with the spices beforehand and kept in the refrigerator for about ten to twelve hours, the taste will be even better.

Before you start rubbing the chicken, the first thing you should do is put the rotisserie on the grill. Fire up the grill and let it get hot while you prepare the chicken.

First, rinse the chicken under cold water and dry it inside and out with a paper towel. Now rub the cavity with salt and butter and onions and/or garlic to enhance the flavor. After that, you can tie the chicken with butcher’s twine. Now it can be put on the spit. When you slide the skewer all over the body, make sure that the end of the skewer is attached to the chicken. This way, the chicken will be cooked evenly from all sides.


Now you can cook the chicken at a lower temperature, basting it with butter or oil every thirty minutes. The spices can also be added along with the butter. This way the chicken will be cooked to your favorite flavor. Serve hot with sauce.


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