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HomeEducationHow to Handle the First Days of a Child’s Kindergarten?

How to Handle the First Days of a Child’s Kindergarten?

Sending your little one to kindergarten is an important milestone for both you and your child. It could be their first step away from home and a transition to a new setting, even if it’s only for a few hours.

Every child may need some extra attention at school during the first few days, or maybe weeks. As a parent, you can prepare them for this experience so that your children can go through the transition smoothly.

Here are some easy steps you can take to let your child start a new journey

1 – Choose an international school that suits your child

Kindergarten programs are varied everywhere; some children join full-day sessions, some alternately attend full days, and others attend half days, for five days a week. You may be able to choose between morning or afternoon timings for your child depending on the board you choose for your child. Some parents look for an international school to find programs suitable for their small children.

Once an academic year is completed, your child will be more acclimatized to the new school . However, if  your child is facing difficulty, the solution does not mean making a drastic change; sometimes, a solution can be found by meeting with the teacher.

2 – Go to school and be around

Many international schools that run kindergarten encourage or let parents come in the classroom or on campus for the first few days, so if you’re allowed, be around. Knowing that you are within reachable distance will give your child the courage to explore and enjoy new surroundings. Then, as your child feels more secure, they will slowly merge into the background. After all, you aim to let the teacher take charge, so you carry on with your other activities.

3 – Read books about the first day of kindergarten

It will help a lot if you prepare your child well. One of the best ways is to read books about the first day. It will provide your child with helpful images and help prepare them for normal school interactions and procedures. A big part of kindergarten is social interaction, learning new things, and making friends. Read helpful and motivating books to help generate conversation and ease concerns. When you tell your child about some great things that await them at school, they may be eager and look forward to going to school with great joy.

4 – Pack the right supplies on the first day of kindergarten

Kids hold their small belongings close. They look forward to carrying them to school. So pack the right school supplies such as a tiffin, water bottle, snacks, the contact information on the bag, and other helpful accessories. 

You can use it as a great time to let them learn by role-playing. You can teach how to open food containers and water bottles at home. This way, you can help your child be confident in the classroom. 

5 – Help them to make friends

Walking into a new social landscape can also be a major concern for parents of kindergarten-going children. Parents are often concerned about only one thing – whether their child makes friends at school or stays aloof. Kindergarten is a good time to learn about your child’s temperament. 

Parents can help by finding classmates staying in the neighborhood. If they have  friends who will be with them when they come and go to international school, it is very beneficial.

6 – Fix bedtime routine

Getting a good night’s sleep by setting bedtime routines ensures that kids will be ready for the next day’s activities in  Kindergarten. Think of having some important part of a bedtime routine, including a fixed bedtime and a schedule of regular activities, like taking a shower, wearing pyjamas, brushing teeth, reading a favourite story, hugging goodnight, etc. 

You can make the reading time a part of the bedtime routine or some other time convenient for you and your child, and let your child choose the book.

7 – Help with basic skills

It can be helpful if your child possesses some basic skills which may make them more comfortable in class. Kindergarten is where children learn basic skills and develop learning habits that will last forever. 

So, if your child can already count to ten, recognize their name, use kid-friendly stuff, can hold a pencil, and more, they’ll be ahead in practice. 

You can assist your child master these skills over the summer holidays before the academic year starts. You can do this in fun ways, like colouring and talking together or running to pack bags, getting dressed, etc.

Bottom Line 

Young children aged 3 to 4 years change and experience many feelings, thoughts, and language. Getting acquainted with your child’s school life is the best way to nurture their learning experience.


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