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Forbidden Prayers In Islam

While learning how to make Dua one should also know about the restricted Duas. There are following information about the forbidden Duas:

When you are offering Du’a, do not go above the allotted imitations. Don’t, for instance, ask about the Noble Ambiya’s position or your capacity for sky-climbing. As “every excellence” also encompasses the unachievable levels of the Noble Ambiya, it is likewise prohibited to beg for every benefit and excellence of this life and the Eternity. So avoid saying, “Gift upon us everything pleasant in the world.” The Du’a can be changed to read, “Give upon us every goodness of religion and of the world,” nevertheless. Dua is accepted which is made during the Umrah and Umrah can be done after booking Umrah Packages.

Whilst making Du’a, do not ask for the thing that is impossible or almost impossible. For instance, making Du’a to remain always healthy or protected from every trouble amounts to asking for the thing that is usually impossible. Therefore, one is not allowed to say, ‘May any Muslim never fall ill!’ However, one is allowed to say, ‘Bestow good health upon our patients.’ Similarly, a tall person should not make Du’a to become shorter, nor should a person with small eyes ask for the big ones as these matters have been predetermined (therefore, one should have patience with them and should not make Du’a in these matters).

Do not make du’a to pursue a wrongdoing, becasue it is sin to pray for it as well as making du’a to illegally get someone else’s money is also forbidden.

Do not perform Du’a to cut ties with family members. For instance, Don’t, offer a du’a if your relatives so-and-so get into a fight.
Do not beg Allah for only things of lesser quality because Allah is utterly independent. For instance, the world is subpar and useless. It is undesirable to approach the world excessively. Making du’a merely for financial prosperity without also requesting an improved afterlife is therefore against the law since it amounts to requesting something of lesser value.

One shouldn’t perform du’a for his demise as a result of hardships. He places a high value on a Muslim’s life. However, one is permitted to invoke Allah in this manner: “O Almighty! As long as life is better for me, keep me alive. If death is better for me, let me die. The Du’a “O Allah Problems and worries have wrecked me” is thus not permitted. Likewise, patience has run out. Give me death, then, and I’ll be free of these problems.

Do not make du’a for the demise and ruin of someone unless there is a shari’a (legal) necessity to. Nonetheless, it is acceptable to pray for the damage of such an individual if it is definitely or likely that a specific unbeliever who poses a threat to Islam will never reform or a tyrant will not repent or stop oppressing people and their death and destruction would result in ease and peace.

According to some experts, asking that a Muslim turn a non-believer is forbidden since doing so is considered Kufr (disbelief). According to the analysis, it is unquestionably Kufr if one views Islam negatively or Kufr positively; otherwise, it is a serious sin since harming Muslims is against the law, and desiring them to lose their religion is among the greatest forms of damage or harm. So, to avoid kufr while making Dua you should carefully acquire How to make Dua

Never criticize a Muslim or refer to him as being “cursed” or “rejected.” Furthermore, avoid mentioning by name any such non-Muslim whose demise on Kufr is uncertain. It is also banned to curse the weather, pets, animlas, non-living things, and insects (such as stones, iron etc.) However, in a privileged Hadees, some creatures, such as the scorpion and others, were cursed.

Do not curse a Muslim in this way, ‘May the wrath of Allah be upon you! May you be given the punishment of fire or may you enter Hell!’ This has been forbidden in a blessed Hadees.

It is Haraam and Kufr to make du’a for the forgiveness of a non-Muslim who has passed away while in the condition of Kufr.

Asking Allah to pardon all Muslim’s misdeeds is not permitted since it goes against the holy Ahadees, which say that certain Muslims will go to Hellfire. However, it is permitted to ask for forgiveness for all Muslims or for the whole Ummah of Muhammad (Peace be upon Him). These two Du’as differ in the following way. While it is predetermined that some Muslims would reach Hell as a result of their crimes, the first Du’a—which asks that all Muslims’ sins be spared that not a singular Muslim would do so, not only for a second. Thus, it is impossible to make a du’a using these phrases. The second Du’a, on the other hand, suggests that only a Du’a is made for the repentance of all Muslims, which is supported by Ahadees, and asks that Muhammad (Peace be upon Him) pardon the whole Ummah or all Muslims. Even Muslims who die in Hell will ultimately get forgiveness, be exorcised from Hell, and be permitted to join Paradise.

You shouldn’t curse your fortune, relatives, kids, family, or kin. You will have to repent it if the Du’a is accepted at that moment and its consequence comes true. To avoid these mistakes or sin one should learn How to make Dua.

One shouldn’t do Du’a for something they already possess. For instance, a guy should refrain from praying, “O Allah, make me a male,” as it is cheap to say like this. Due for Umrah is accepted on the priority basis. Umrah can be get from a hajj umrah travel agency. Nevertheless, even if the outcome of the request is certain, it is still justifiable to render the Du’a that results in such perks of Du’a as the fulfillment of Shari’ah’s rules, or that demonstrates humility and the quality of becoming a bondman, or that instills love for Allah and for His Nabi (Peace be upon Him), or that inspires willingness to Islam or Muslims, or that instills hatefulness toward disbelief or non-believers. For instance, reciting Salat-‘Alan-Nabi, performing du’a for the Blessed Nabi (Peace be upon Him) to be granted Maqaam-e-Wasilah, du’a for choosing the upright way even being a Beliver, or du’a for anger and curse on Allah’s and His Nabi’s foes are some examples (Peace be upon Him)

Reading about these forbidden Duas will help you to refrain from many wrong doings while making Dua. To know about the restricted Dua’s is an important aspect in learning How to make Dua.


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