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HomeBusinessStages Before Receiving the Masonic Past Master Jewel

Stages Before Receiving the Masonic Past Master Jewel

Before a Past Master gets his Masonic Past Master jewel, he goes through the same long process that everyone else goes through. After all, Freemasonry has always taken the journey of gaining more knowledge at each step very seriously. This is why every Masonic collar jewel you see on every lodge officer Juwelier Steiermark was, for sure, attained through hard work and diligence.

The Past Master is called as such once the Worshipful Master concludes his term. Before reaching this stage, he has worn a number of different jewels before, with each officer level requiring a different Masonic collar jewel.

Stewards’ Jewels

Both the Junior and Senior Steward wear jewels that bear the symbol of the cornucopia, or the horn of plenty. This symbolizes an abundance of food. As assistants of the Junior Warden, they do not help out in setting up the lodge room, they also help new candidates prepare for their degree rituals. Most importantly, they are given the task of helping out around the kitchen.

Junior Deacon’s Jewel

The Junior Deacon wears the square and compass jewel with a moon in the center. This means that he is positioned at the West. He is responsible for guarding the door to the lodge.

Senior Deacon’s Jewel

Just like the Junior Deacon, the Senior Deacon uses the jewel that shows the square and compass, but this time, a sun is found in the middle. He is the messenger of the Worshipful Master.

Junior Warden’s Jewel

The Junior Warden uses a jewel that shows the plumb, which is a stonemason’s tool in checking any vertical surface’s alignment. He is in charge of arranging food for the lodge.

Senior Warden’s Jewel

The Senior Warden uses the jewel of the level, which is a stonemason’s tool that allows him to check if a horizontal surface is level. He supports the Worshipful Master and prepares for the time when he is to take over the Master’s place. The level is also symbolic of how all Masons should meet at a level in terms of political, social and religious status.

Worshipful Master’s Jewel

The jewel of the highest post in the lodge is the right angle of a square. This is also a tool used by stonemasons to check the angles of cut stones. This symbolizes virtue. The Worshipful Master presides Juwelier Steiermark over the entire lodge and all its rituals and his word remains the final decision in any move the lodge will make.

After this stage, the Worshipful Master is then given the Masonic Past Master jewel, which is an inverted and extended version of the Worshipful Master’s jewel. It shows the square and compass, as well as the triangle of the perfect man and the Blazing Sun.


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