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HomeBusinessHoverboards - The best buying advice

Hoverboards – The best buying advice

While Segways are now part of everyday street life and can be rented in tourist cities around the world, hoverboards are still a little unknown.

The two are quite similar:

The driver stands on two platforms connected by an axle and steers in the appropriate direction by shifting his weight. The board is balanced by its electronic drive – provided the rider does not lose his balance. The term hoverboard has not really established itself yet – you can also find the motorboards under the names hoverboards ” Mini Segway ” and sometimes even as “Segway”. The most common term, however, is “hoverboards” and comes from the film “Back to the Future II” from the 1989 – admittedly the term is a bit exaggerated – after all, such a device drives and does not hoverboard.


Hoverboards are controlled by slightly shifting your weight in the direction you want to go. The curious thing about it: Just thinking about gliding forward unconsciously shifts your weight forward. The stronger the incline, the faster the board goes. Of course, the same applies to cornering – simply shift your weight and the board will take the curve all by itself. However, if you perform the movements a little rough, the hoverboard sprints away and the pilot flies on his nose. Sufficient space to practice and a few driving tests are therefore essential. You should also always wear protective clothing in the form of wrist, elbow and knee pads and a helmet.

Spaced out and yet not lifted off
As “spaced out” hoverboards may seem, the technology is manageable. There are position sensors under the treads, which record the driver’s weight shift. The sensors transmit the information as a control command to the hub motors under the treads, which in turn drive the two wheels attached to the side: For example, if you want to drive to the right, the left wheel has to turn faster. The electric motors are fed by a large lithium-ion battery, which is also hidden under the treads. It is charged via an external power pack.

Tips for driving

Most hoverboards are not designed for different body weights, but only adjusted for a maximum weight. If the driver’s body weight is significantly above or below this value, precise steering becomes difficult and unexpected acceleration or snaking movements can occur, which in many cases can even lead to a fall. Too much body weight also puts quite a strain on the motor, which can cause it to overheat or even stop working altogether. In addition, the motor consumes more power under heavy load, and the battery life is reduced as a result. Therefore, when buying a hoverboard, it is important to make sure that it can really withstand your own body weight.

Not suitable for every lane

Unfortunately, those who intend to slide their e-board over uneven land, cobbled city centers or bumpy streets will be disappointed here: Any bumps such as road markings or lowered curbs can throw even experienced drivers off balance and this can lead to serious falls – especially in traffic extreme caution is required. Rain and moisture are also poison for most hoverboards. Since they are not normally sealed properly, moisture from the roadway gets into the device and causes rusty connections there in the long run and, in the worst case, even short circuits. If you want to have a lot of fun with your e-board in the long run, you should definitely avoid riding in the rain and on wet roads as well as through puddles. There are also some legal restrictions

Battery pack
A discharged battery can have devastating consequences: Many hoverboards have a so-called protection function to save the battery if the voltage is too low – they simply switch off the motors! The result is locking wheels and, who would have thought it, a driver with his nose on the ground. Excessive loads such as a high body weight or very strong acceleration orgies eat into the battery performance, which is why you have to keep an eye on the charge level!

Self-Balancing Scooter
The Scooter hoverboard is available in several color variants: from simple versions such as white, black and blue to more unusual color variants such as gold, white-blue and blue-red. Scooter really serves every taste. The 10 kg board has a top speed of around 10 km/h and a range of 15 to 20 km before the battery needs to be recharged. This is completely sufficient for short “journeys” and regular trips to work. The charging time is between one and two hours, which is perfectly reasonable – one or the other can perhaps also charge the e-board in the office in order to be able to move around with it after work. Compared to other Mini Segways it is very cheap and still not a bad choice. If you can live with the slightly lower top speed compared to the other models, you will find the perfect, affordable board here.

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