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HomeGeneralHigh Insurance Group Cars: What to Expect in Terms of Premiums

High Insurance Group Cars: What to Expect in Terms of Premiums


Insuring a high insurance group car often comes with higher insurance premiums. Insurance group ratings play a significant role in determining the cost of car insurance, and vehicles placed in higher insurance groups are considered higher risk to insurers. In this article, we will explore what to expect in terms of insurance premiums when insuring a high insurance group car. We will also discuss the factors that contribute to higher premiums and provide tips on managing the costs associated with these vehicles.

Understanding High Insurance Group Cars

High insurance group cars are vehicles that fall into the upper end of the insurance group rating scale. These cars are generally associated with higher risk factors, such as higher repair costs, performance capabilities, increased likelihood of accidents, or a greater risk of theft. Insurance companies consider these factors when determining premiums for high insurance group cars.

Factors Contributing to Higher Premiums

  1. Repair Costs: High insurance group cars often require expensive repairs, which can significantly impact insurance claim expenses. The cost of replacement parts, specialized repairs, and the complexity of the vehicle’s design can drive up repair costs and subsequently increase insurance premiums.
  2. Performance and Engine Size: Cars with powerful engines or high-performance capabilities tend to be placed in higher insurance groups. These vehicles are more likely to be involved in accidents due to their speed and acceleration, leading to higher premiums.
  3. Theft Risk: High insurance group cars may be targeted by thieves due to their desirability or high market value. The increased risk of theft can result in higher insurance premiums to account for potential losses.
  4. Safety Features: Some high insurance group cars may lack advanced safety features or fail to meet the latest safety standards. This can contribute to higher premiums, as the absence of these features increases the risk of accidents and injuries.
  5. Historical Claims Data: Insurance companies analyze historical claims data to assess the risk associated with a particular car model. If a vehicle has a higher frequency of claims or a history of accidents, it may be placed in a higher insurance group, resulting in higher premiums.

Managing Costs for High Insurance Group Cars

  1. Shop Around for Quotes: Obtain quotes from multiple insurance providers to compare premiums for insuring a high insurance group car. Different insurers may assess risk differently, leading to variations in pricing. Shopping around allows you to find the most competitive rates.
  2. Increase Deductibles: Consider opting for a higher deductible, which is the amount you pay out of pocket before insurance coverage kicks in. By increasing your deductible, you can potentially lower your premiums. However, be prepared to cover a higher portion of repair costs in the event of a claim.
  3. Security Measures: Install additional security measures in your high insurance group car, such as car alarms, immobilizers, or tracking devices. These security features can reduce the risk of theft, potentially leading to lower premiums.
  4. Safe Driving Record: Maintain a clean driving record by following traffic laws and practicing safe driving habits. A history of accidents or traffic violations can increase insurance premiums further, so being a responsible driver is crucial.
  5. Consider Usage-Based Insurance: Some insurance companies offer usage-based insurance programs where premiums are based on actual driving behavior. If you drive responsibly and have low mileage, this type of insurance could result in lower premiums for your high insurance group car.
  6. Evaluate Coverage Options: Review your coverage options and consider adjusting them based on your specific needs. While comprehensive coverage provides extensive protection, it can also be more expensive. Assess your risk tolerance and vehicle value to determine the appropriate coverage level.


Insuring a high insurance group car typically involves higher insurance premiums due to the increased risk associated with these vehicles. Understanding the factors that contribute to higher premiums and implementing the tips mentioned in this article can help you manage the costs. By shopping around for quotes, increasing deductibles, prioritizing security measures, maintaining a clean driving record, considering usage-based insurance, and evaluating coverage options, you can make the insurance costs for your high insurance group car more manageable while ensuring adequate protection.


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