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HomeBusinessThe Main Reason eCommerce SEO Services Benefit Content Marketing

The Main Reason eCommerce SEO Services Benefit Content Marketing

One of the most common alleged benefits of eCommerce SEO services is that SEO can buoy up your content marketing efforts.

A preface: eCommerce SEO is specifically intended to boost your visibility by increasing your website’s rankings in the organic search results.

Content marketing consists of all the efforts you undertake to produce content (written, videos, social media posts, and otherwise) that improves the user experience.

Often, the two things are one and the same, but not always, because sometimes very interesting, high-quality content is not optimized well for search engines and will fall into the search engine abyss if not properly supported.

But there are some specific ways that SEO and content marketing help each other; mostly from SEO to content marketing.

Here’s how it works.

Low-Value Keywords, High-Value Topics

Have you ever visited a website like a blog or online journal, landed on one page in the search results, and ended up reading three or four articles?

Or even landed on an online store and ended up buying a product that you found on a different page, one that you got to through a blog or a link on the category or product page?

Specifically, with respect to the former condition, it was content marketing, likely, that got you to those other posts.

You look something up, see something in the search results, and click on it. That’s SEO.

But by the time you’re on the website and reading, other headlines, article titles, and topics catch your eye. That’s content marketing.

Sometimes topics that are highly relevant, valuable, and downright interesting are difficult if not impossible to strictly optimize for SEO.

That means if they and only they were published, they’d fall into the internet abyss.

That said, the other article that earned your click was like a lure, or a funnel if you will. You found it organically and it sent you off down the line toward other things that interested you.

And that’s the main way that SEO helps push content marketing.

The Break Between Interest and Search Intent

Another thing that’s important to note is that sometimes, there is a big disconnect between search intent and interest.

Let’s say, hypothetically, that you perform a search for “all cotton t-shirts.” At that exact moment, you might not be interested in “cotton t-shirt care,” “the origins of cotton” or “the qualities of different cotton fibers.”

But once you see those topics, all of a sudden, they might become a bit interesting to you – especially if you have a penchant for cotton clothing.

Once you find an organic listing for cotton t-shirts, the likelihood you’ll stick around on that eCommerce website to consume some of their content marketing will increase dramatically. You might even subscribe to their newsletter or email list.

That’s why, even though content marketing is useful for capturing interested, engaged customers, SEO is still often necessary to “hook” them.

And that, in a nutshell, is basically how digital marketing agencies use eCommerce SEO strategies to buoy up their clients’ content marketing plans.

Get Started with eCommerce SEO Services Today

In a nutshell, using well-optimized landing pages to funnel traffic towards your other valuable content is how search engine optimization (SEO) benefits online visibility in general and content marketing in specific.

If you’re convinced your content marketing efforts could use a boost from keyword research, link-building, and on-page optimizations for your eCommerce store, you’re probably right.

They can increase impressions and organic traffic in the long term while supporting your content marketing efforts.

If you’re interested in improving your organic rankings in this fashion, get in touch with the eCommerce SEO experts at 1Digital Agency (1DigitalAgency.com). Their experts have been rendering eCommerce SEO services to online businesses of all sizes for over 10 years and they can do the same for you.


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