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HomeUncategorizedTop 7 Strength-Building Exercises to Get Thicker Thighs

Top 7 Strength-Building Exercises to Get Thicker Thighs

Each of us has a body specially designed for us, all sizes and shapes. Particularly, thigh size might differ across individuals. 

There are lots of reasons why your body and thighs might look different from someone else’s. It could be because of things like your genes or how you live your life. Even though your thighs are already great, you want them to be a bit bigger to look better or be stronger. If you’re looking to work on your thighs, you might want to check out the best gym in Mohali 10 phase. They can help you with exercises and tips to reach your goals safely and effectively.

This blog will show you seven exercises to try that can help you make your thighs stronger and bigger.

7 Exercises to Strengthen the Thighs


Squats work lots of muscles in your legs all at once. To do a squat, stand with your feet apart, about as wide as your shoulders, and point your toes out. Keep your chest up and your belly tight. Bend your knees and stick your bottom out, like you’re sitting down in a chair. Try to go down until your thighs are flat, then push back up through your heels to stand back up. Continue till the desired set of repetitions.


Lunges are another effective exercise for targeting the thighs, particularly the quadriceps and glutes. Start by standing tall with your feet hip-width apart to perform a lunge. Pull forward and take a big step with your right foot. Till your right thigh is parallel to the ground and both knees are bent at a ninety-degree angle. Maintain an upright posture and ankle-to-front knee alignment Push through your right heel to return to the starting position and repeat on the opposite side. Alternate legs will continue till the desired set of repetitions.


Deadlifts target the hamstrings, glutes, and lower back, making them an excellent exercise for building strength and thickness in the thighs. Begin by standing with your feet hip-width apart and a barbell before you. Bend at the hips and knees to lower your torso while keeping your back straight and chest lifted. Exert an overhand grip on the barbell that is wider than the distance between your shoulders. Push through your heels and extend your hips and knees to lift the barbell, keeping it close to your body throughout the movement. Slowly lower the barbell back to the ground and repeat for the desired number of repetitions.

Bulgarian Split Squats

Bulgarian split squats are a unilateral exercise that targets each leg individually, helping to improve balance and symmetry while strengthening the thighs and glutes. To perform a Bulgarian split squat:

  • Stand away from a bench or elevated surface with one foot resting on top of it and the other planted firmly on the ground in front of you.
  • Bending your front knee and dropping the back knee toward the floor can help you lower your body.
  • Maintain an upright posture and ankle-to-front knee alignment.
  • Push through your front heel to return to the starting position and repeat on the opposite side.

Hip Thrusts

Hip thrusts are a powerful exercise for targeting the glutes and hamstrings, helping to add thickness and strength to the thighs. Begin by sitting on the ground with your back against a bench and a barbell positioned across your hips. Plant your feet on the ground hip-width apart and grip the barbell with an overhand grip. Squeeze your butt muscles and push down through your heels to lift your hips up. Additionally, raise your body in the direction of the sky until your knees, shoulders, and body form a straight line. Hold for a moment, then lower your hips back down to where you started.

Leg Press

The leg press machine is a great way to work your quads, hamstrings, and butt muscles using weights. Sit on the machine with your back against the cushion and your feet flat on the platform, not too close or too far apart. Push through your heels to straighten your legs & lift the weights until your legs are straight. But don’t make your knees lock. Then, bend your knees back until they make a right angle, and do it again as many times as you like. Keep your movements slow and controlled while you do this exercise.


Step-ups are a functional exercise that mimics everyday movements while targeting the thighs, glutes, and calves. Start by placing your feet hip-width apart in front of a sturdy bench or step. Step onto the bench with your right foot, pressing through your heel to lift your body onto the step. First, bring your left foot to stand next to your right foot on the step. Then, step back down with your left foot, followed by your right foot. Keep switching legs like this for as many times as you want. Make sure you keep your body steady and move in a controlled way while you do this exercise.


Achieving thicker thighs requires a combination of targeted strength-building exercises, consistency, and dedication. Whether you like doing basic squats and lunges or more tricky exercises like deadlifts. Also, Bulgarian split squats are important to do different exercises to get the best results. If you’re looking for the best gym in Phase 10 Mohali to help you reach your goals. Choose one that has lots of different equipment and trainers who can make a plan for you. With commitment and perseverance, you’ll be well on your way to achieving the thicker thighs you’ve always desired.


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